We watched this in my gov't class. It's funny.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
McCain is a Citizen and thus can be President
Hopefully this will kill the story that just seems to never die...has John McCain been a citizen his whole life? Okay, so the back story to this is: Senator McCain was not born in
(Believe me I get phone calls concerning this issue at my internship all the time...)
This potential problem for Senator McCain was reviewed my former Solicitor General Ted Olson (a McCain supporter) and a Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe (a Obama supporter). They found that the phrase "natural born citizen" is an unclear term in the Constitution. Though only a "natural born citizen" can become president it is unclear what the founding fathers meant by that term. The Panama Canal Zone was a
So now can we please get back to issues? Like how McCain has said on several occasions that
CA Flunks Computer Access Test
Each state was graded on three points: "access" (do we have enough computers?), "use" (do states expect and require students to use computers?), and "capacity" (do teachers know how to use computers themselves?). The data was collected from fourth through eight grade classrooms.
However "use" and "access" are different stories.
Even better news for the children of this state...with all the budget cuts coming down from
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Nancy Reagan Endorses McCain

Today Nancy Reagan came out and publicly endorsed the Republican candidate for President Senator John McCain. Nancy Reagan was the wife of former President Ronald Reagan. President Reagan reputation in Republican political circles is still very important, in fact this last primary cycle near every Republican candidate tried to prove that they where true Reagan follower and thus a true Republican.
Senator McCain has had a few problems proving his Republican credentials to members in his party. (Senator McCain has a reputation for being a "maverick" and recently a story surfaced that McCain thought about changing to the Democratic party twice. Once after he lost the race for the Republican nomination in 2000 and in 2004 and becoming Senator John Kerry's running mate. Senator McCain "maverick" reputation scores him points with ordinary Americans but not with the Republican party faithful...so the McCain camp is hoping Mrs. Reagan endorsement will go a long way with "Reagan Conservatives"
Monday, March 24, 2008
Barack Obama: 'A More Perfect Union' (Full Speech)
Barack Obama's speech on race has been called "the most important speech on race in the nations history." Its something everyone should see.
4,000 Americans have died in Iraq
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Debra Bowen will receive the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award
She will be awarded the JFK Profile in Courage Award. The award was created in 1989 by the Kennedy family. The title of the award comes from President Kennedy's book "Profiles in Courage" which recounts the stories of eight courageous Senators who stood up for what they believe in and thus risked their jobs. In tribute to that book the Kennedy family presents a current elected offical who stood a political stand and risked their job by doing so. The Profile in Courage Award has been named the most prestigious award an elected official can be presented with.
Secretary Bowen will be presented the award by Former President Kennedy only surving child and brother, Caroline and Edward Kennedy.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Looking for New Bloggers
Friday, March 21, 2008
Poll Results
Obama 87%
Clinton 12%
Readers made the comments that they supported Obama because of his ability to get elected and his ability to reach independents. Another reader made the point that I did not list the Republican candidate in this poll. This is true, I did not do that. That is because the Republican candidate has been chosen. Once the Democrats get around to choosing their nominee I will have a poll putting John McCain against whomever the democratic candidate is.
Be on the look out for next weeks poll!!! and thank for for all the great comments!!!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Girl Scouts Stand Up to the Governor
Girl Scout troop 2543 is currently passing around a petition for everone to sign (even kids). The petition is special, it mimics the preamble of the Consistution: "We the people of Walnut Creek Intermediate School, in order to have a more perfect education, urge you to establish an adequate budget for our education ... Please don't leave the students of California behind."
The girls plan on delivering thier petition to local law makers. So far they have collected over 1000 signtures.
You go Girls!!!