Tuesday, November 6, 2007

What Is A Teen To Do???

Ok, so I've said it before...I live in kinda a small town. Not small town like boondocks Kanasas...but still small. My socail life is made up of going to High School football games, bowling, movies, and ice cream.

The problem is that I'm 19 and the list above is rapidly losing its appeal. Frist of all Football games and ice cream stores have a short shelf life. Football games end (mostly in tears with my high school) and ice cream shops close (way to early). And though I enjoy bowling and movies...they are expensive and get old really quick.

I live in a city whose motto is "Where families come first." But it seems the word "family" only applies to five year old toddlers who might enjoy kids-fest or some twelve year old who might enjoy hip-hop lessons at a community center.

Well I'm here to tell my city representatives I'm still part of a family last time I checked. I am entitled to the amount of concideration as that five or tweleve year old. I'm not asking for much. I'm asking for attention. I want the city to look at teen issuses not tween issues!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Love that you used the word "boondocks", I'm so proud *tear*