Friday, March 14, 2008

New Poll

A lot has changed since the last time we had a poll...the Republicans have chosen their nominee and the Dems are still in a fight...

As young voters who do you think best represents our ideals? Put another way, who do you want to be the Democratic nominee?


Anonymous said...

So your question made me chuckle... "As young voters who do you think best represents our ideals? ---Put another way---, who do you want to be the Democratic nominee?" So of course the implication is that the Republican nominee will not 'represent our ideals.' Hahahaha... just remember that there are two sides for every issue. Raising taxes doesn't exactly represent my ideal, lol.

Rebecca Barrett said...

I realize that I only put in the dems in this poll. However it is only the dems that are holding a primary right their the only ones young voters can chose from. When the Dems finally get their nominee (and that might be a while) then I will hold a poll asking which of the two candidates represent our ideals, both Democratic and Republican.

jlwolff said...

Before I go into my long winded rant, thank you Rebecca for making this blog. It's nice to have a spot for young political minds to come together. And now onto my rant:

Oddly enough, my answers to the two questions (ideals and nominee) are different.

When it comes to the progressive ideals I hold, in many ways Sen. Clinton is a better representative. Her health care plan is far superior, she has a tested record on progressive issues, and has in many ways tried to adopt the populist message that John Edwards had brought to the election.

That said, I want Sen. Obama to be the Democratic nominee. The main reason is a matter of perception. Although Clinton is more liberal than Obama is, much of the liberal change community has lined up behind him. I believe that if the change movement is successful in nominating Obama, even if he isn't the best change candidate, they will be encouraged and emboldened to continue to fight for change. Additionally, Obama has wonderful coattails. I'm almost more concerned with expanding our lead in the House and Senate than taking back the White House (key word almost) and with Obama at the head of the ticket I think we'll have serious Senate pickup opportunities in Virginia, Oregon, Maine, Minnesota, Colorado, New Mexico, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Alaska, and maybe even Kentucky. With Clinton at the head of the ticket a lot more anti-Clinton Republicans will show up just to vote against Clinton and while they are there, they'll vote Republican in the Senate race as well. Finally, the campaign Clinton has run has been dirty and destructive and while Obama has in no way been a saint (I'm still a bit upset about his 527 smear on Edwards) his campaign has been far cleaner and more dignified.

So, while I agree with Clinton a many issues more than Obama, I am supporting Obama for President and hope that Clinton will have a long a successful career in the Senate, maybe as Senate Majority Leader.

Anonymous said...

ah yes, sorry my fault... Should have realized that.

Rebecca Barrett said...

np. Thank you for commenting though!!! and keep checking out the site. It means a lot to me. Thank you!!!