Stephen Colbert started out his Presidential campaign like every other candidate- by refusing to tell us whether he plans to run or not. He hinted that he was thinking about running on the Daily Show, yet he still refused to give us a clear answer. It seems he needed more time to think things over and "discuss it with his family." After about 15 mins of soul searching, he made it official. On his own show stated "I shall seek the office of the President of the Untied States." And following in the foots steps of Barack Obama and John Edwards, Colbert will couple his campaign with a book tour {Colbert just released a book "I am America (and so can you)." }
Colbert says he plans to run in South Carolina "and South Carolina alone." South Carolina happens to be his home state and third in the primary season. He says he would run as both a Democrat and a Republican, he says it gives him an opportunity to "lose twice."
This might all sound absurd but it is unclear how far Colbert is taking this whole thing...I mean he hardly ever breaks character and major networks like ABC and CNN are covering it. Remember folks Colbert is all about "truthiness"
I'm moving to South Carolina.
No you're not...It's in the SOUTH
I'd move...
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