Edwards is running on a platform of fighting for the poor and middle class. He is a strong supporter of Unions and has been know to walk the picket lines with Union members. John Edwards was the first candidate to make universal health care a major part of their platform. By doing this he basically forced Hillary and Obama to come out with their own health care plans. He has one of the most liberal Iraq policies. He has apologized for his vote giving the President the right to invade Iraq, and now he has one of the clearest plans to get out of Iraq!!!
Edwards however has had problems getting support. He remains third in every national poll and in the early primary states he only leads in Iowa (and that lead is slipping). For Edwards Iowa is do or die, if he fails to come first their in the Iowa Caucus then he is done. He has also come under attack for not living up to the middle class values he claims to represent. Though he was the son of a mill worker...Edwards is no mill worker...he lives in a very big, expensive, new house and has been know to get a $400 hair cut.
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