Monday, October 15, 2007

Meet Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton is probably the best known candidate in the Democratic field and she provokes strong feelings from both sides of the isle. You either love her or you hate her. She has a lot of support and her team has organized a strong campaign, which will make her hard to beat. Not to mention she has her secret weapon, Bill Clinton. She is known for being to the left of center on the issues; however this reputation might not be well earned. She is against flag burning and wants abortion to be “safe, legal, and completely unnecessary”. Those two positions alone put her more in the center than most other Democratic candidates. She has also gotten into trouble with the hard left for her vote on Iraq. She voted to give President Bush the authority to invade Iraq, and she has yet to give an apology for that vote. She has also given several conflicting statements on what she would do with the troops in Iraq if she happens to become president. She has said “If George Bush doesn’t take the troops out of Iraq, I will” yet she has also said in debates that she would want residual forces to stay in Iraq. But despite all this, it is widely believed that you will some day be calling Mrs. Clinton...Madame President.

1 comment:

Sara said...

That's a bit scary for me. I don't think we're ready for Hillary.