Sunday, October 21, 2007

Sorry I Haven't Posted... Busy Weekend in my Small Town (Who Knew That Could Happen???)

Sorry I haven't posted, it turns out you can have a busy weekend. It involves going to a Democratic Club meeting, bowling (I'm getting better...about freak'n time), and a paper ball fight. Today is homework!!! YAY!!!

I will post about the club meeting and other things I learned about this weekend...sometime...when I'm done with homework...maybe

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Okay, so I can't find it, but this is a response to your post about the N word and the B word. I thought about this, and I think there is a significant difference. The N word has, historically, been used by bigots to refer to African Americans during slavery and after. The B word on the other hand, doesn't necessarily have to refer to a woman, even though that may be where the word originates from. For example, I use the word all the time, and I don't think its derogatory towards women, as much as its insulting the victim for being whiny, irritating, mean...ect. I see the B word as more of a multi purpose word (as it gets directed at both men and women of any race) than the N word, which is always a crude, derogatory remark. There. I wanted to post this, because, like I put thought into it. Delete it if you want, since its on the wrong post, hehe.